How did we cope just a few years ago without the Internet? Just days without being able to access friends, family and information has nearly driven me over the edge. I keep thinking that it is good for me, but really, it is not. I have way too much to do to do without, right now. Don’t get me wrong, I am all about simplicity and downsizing and low media influences, but no internet, no way!
How do I answer the question why exactly is MSG bad for you? How do I find that one apartment that we had looked at last week on-line and get the phone number to call the realtor? How do I get in touch with T-Mobile in the US to get my international access code for my cell phone? I need the internet to find the hotspots in Bonn for wireless so I can connect to the internet!
My life right now is all about finding a place to live. I feel like a caveman – forage for the offspring, now find shelter. Things haven’t changed much through time, but if I had internet access, it would sure be a lot easier to find that shelter. Of course if you are reading this blog, I will have found my connection, but for the moment I am just whining to myself.
I did manage to get a cell phone, but I cannot figure out voice mail since it is all in a language I do not understand – my 2 quarters of German almost 20 years ago have not really kicked in – though I did manage to get 200 grams of cheese quite handily. So, if any of the many realtors call me when I am in the bathroom, I will just have hope they call back.
Grrreat picture! Louise looks so grown up. Love the haircut. (Waving to you all, especially the kids)